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US National Beef CAB Sirloin Whole Primal Cut (10% off)

US National Beef CAB Sirloin Whole Primal Cut (10% off)

Item #451024
HK$2700.0 HK$2430.0 / unit (around 6kg) 10% Off
6kg stand for the average weight of the piece. We will invoice @ $40.5 / 100g based on actual weight.
Availability:  Out of Stock
x unit

U.S. National Beef delivers the tender and juicy eating experience your customers expect from a premium beef selection, along with rich flavor and consistency in midwestern beef

It is committed to humanely and naturally raising cattle.

No added hormones and antibiotics.

Certified Angus Beef (CAB) is the true mark of high quality for Angus cattle. It is a registered trademark belonging to the American Angus Association. To be eligible for this certification, only Angus breeds of cattle can be inspected and need to meet the standards.

Sirloin is rich in fat, with a delicate and tender texture and moderate marbling.

Bright red in color, juicy and soft, full of flavor, low melting point

Often used as a steak in fine dining restaurants

Size: Approx. 5.5-6.5kg (Not trimmed, Original packing)

Storage: Keep Chilled at 0-4°C


Grain fed Grain fed

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